Home Home ImprovementBedroom 10 Tips for Designing a Bedroom for a Good Night’s Sleep

10 Tips for Designing a Bedroom for a Good Night’s Sleep

by Adrian Nita

We’ve all been there – tossing and turning in bed, unable to drift off into the blissful world of dreams and continue our journey through that lovely land of sleep. And the one thing we have against us is the fact that it’s not exactly our bedroom that’s actively aiding us in this pursuit.

Creating a suitable environment for sleep isn’t rocket science but knowing the tricks of the trade and the basics is a step in the right direction toward giving yourself an uninterrupted night. Designing a bedroom quite specifically for a better night’s sleep may be the one thing you’ve been missing all these years to attain that well-deserved restful state.

Let’s take a look at some tips and tricks for creating the perfect bedroom zone.

1. A Temperature-Controlled Environment

bedroom temperature

The most important element here is the temperature of your bedroom, which plays a crucial role in sleep. A cool temperature of around 65°F (18°C) helps in allowing for optimal relaxation and peaceful slumber. Using a fan during the night keeps your bedroom cool and creates a sense of consistent motion that’s incredibly soothing – this can do wonders for people who have trouble falling asleep in bed. 

While it may seem a bit too cold for some, throw in a warm blanket or two to cover yourself, and you’ll be amazed at the result. I used this trick during my college days as well since turning on the AC every night simply wasn’t a practical option, and trust me when I say it works!

If you ever feel hot or too cold, try to adjust your bedroom environment rather than relying on external devices like air conditioners and heaters. Not only is this cheaper, but also a much healthier way to achieve the desired comfort level.

2. Soothing Ambience and Dim Lighting

Dim Lighting bedroom

Have you ever noticed how it’s much easier to drift off after a long and tiring day if you’re in the presence of subtle light curtains? This is no coincidence. Studies suggest that dim and soothing lights reduce the level of alertness in your brain, allowing you to transition into a relaxed state.

So use blackout shades or blinds in your room that block out the external natural light sources and create an ambiance that’s perfect for better sleep. Even subtle things like placing essential oil diffusers and soft LED lights in your bedroom can do wonders for relaxation.

An interesting and creative way to implement this is to mount colored string or fairy lights on the walls for a retro look that’s both calming and cozy. If all else fails, install a dimmer switch that allows you to adjust the apparent brightness level to suit your preference.

With this approach, you can be in total control of the atmosphere inside your room and get the most personalized experience possible. 

3. Comfortable Bedding and Furniture

Good Night's Sleep

People tend to make a lot of mistakes in their choices regarding furniture and bedding – choosing materials that are either too hard or too soft, depending on individual preferences. You should strive towards a balance of both extremes to find something that’s the ideal fit for you.

A study by the National Sleep Foundation showed that 93% of people who slept on high-quality beds and mattresses reported feeling less stressed overall and could fall asleep faster.

Invest in a comfortable mattress since it is the core part of your bed where all the action takes place. I find memory foam mattresses to be the most comfortable for a good sleep, but feel free to experiment and see what works best for you. You could also try out different mattress toppers if your budget doesn’t allow a complete replacement, as they work perfectly fine in such cases.

Beside the bed itself, make sure that the furniture inside your room is ergonomically sound and fairly comfortable – keep the rest of the room minimal but with a few personalized touches here and there to add a bit of sparkle to it.

4. Declutter Your Bedroom

bedroom clutter

Clutter around the bed can be a major distraction if not outright dangerous. It’s best to keep items like books, electronics (especially TVs!), and clothing away from your bed because they might make it harder for you to relax in this space. 

Organizing your room regularly will help you create an atmosphere in which it’s easier to settle down to sleep every night. There are lots of creative ideas out there – floating shelves, corner cabinets, cubbies, etc. – to organize or declutter your bedroom without sacrificing its aesthetic appeal. 

I remember, during my early days, I kept all of my books and notebooks on a shelf just above the bed – this was convenient for the short-term; however, eventually, it became quite overwhelming due to the sheer amount of stuff crowding the area.

So don’t make the same mistake and go for spacious furniture items or a neat two-compartment drawer system to keep all those books, notebooks, etc., organized while preserving the aesthetics of the room. 

5. Off-Limits for Electronics

girl in bedroom with phone

What can be worse than scrolling through social media for hours in order to distract yourself from the impending sleep schedule? To be honest, nothing – it’s always a bad idea! 

Staying away from cell phones or laptops at least an hour before bedtime is a great way to ensure that you get the restful sleep your body needs. Thus, keep all electronics in the living room or some other area away from your bedroom and make sure they are completely off before heading to bed. 

This might sound a bit restrictive, and I totally understand how hard it can be to follow this habitat. Still, we must try our best not to let technology consume us to the point where a screen constantly surrounds us.

The blue light emitted from the devices tends to keep us awake for much longer than we would like, which is why keeping these gadgets out of our bedroom can be a lifesaver. This isn’t a hard and fast rule, but curbing the usage is definitely beneficial for your health in the long run. 

6. Invest in an Air Purification System

Air Purification in room

The smell of your bedroom is just as important as the visual and tactile elements. Your room should have a pleasant fragrance at all times in order to make you feel more relaxed and stress-free.

If you’ve tried different air fresheners with no luck, then it might be a good idea to invest in an air purification system. Air purifiers help remove dust and airborne particles while also introducing some freshness into the room! This way, you can create the perfect environment that compels you to sleep after a long day and experience better sleep quality.

From my personal experience, I believe that something like a fan-based air purifier can be an effective and affordable solution since it facilitates clean air circulation throughout the entire room and aids in neutralizing odors.

7. What About Bedroom Colors? 

Bedroom Colors

What if I told you that certain colors could be your allies in the journey to a good night’s sleep? It’s true, and studies suggest that the hues of blue and green induce relaxation, while yellow and red tones tend to wake us up. 

So try to opt for calming colors and shades that don’t force your eye to search around – they should be smooth, gentle, and easy on the eyes.

Plush greys, blues, and whites can be good options here since they offer a sense of calm and relaxation – though every individual’s preferences are different, so experiment and find the combination that works best for you. 

8. Visual and Aural Treats

Bedroom painting and design

In a world filled with noise pollution, it is pretty important to make your bedroom a haven for peace and quiet. That’s why it’s a good idea to invest in blackout curtains that block out any external distractions or noises from outside.

Adding soundproofing materials to your room is also a great way to block out any background sounds while allowing you to drift into the soothing realms of sleep. 

Apart from this, adding pictures or paintings that evoke certain positive emotions can be great additions to your bedroom. They serve as a visual reminder of the serenity and relaxation each time you enter that sacred space again.

Let’s not forget about things like dreamcatchers, soft music, white noise machines, aromatherapy candles, essential oils, or something as simple as a furry throw pillow! All these elements can amplify your mood and thus become allies in the pursuit of perfect sleep. 

9. A Cozy and Inviting Atmosphere

Bedroom Atmosphere

Let’s not forget the importance of aesthetics and comfort when it comes to creating a good atmosphere inside your bedroom. When I think of my bedroom, the first thing that comes to mind is warmth and closeness. 

Make sure to spruce up your room by adding elements like light, rugs, paintings, and other comfortable essentials. Doing so will make the place look far more inviting and appealing so you can settle into it for the night.

It also helps in focusing your thoughts on sleep and relaxation rather than work or other stress-inducing tasks – as research has demonstrated, a more calming environment simply leads to better rest.

Don’t overlook strange yet creative ideas like a cozy corner or low-lying seats with many pillows to give that extra cushion, comfort, and plushness where you can curl up after a long day. 

10. Relax Your Mind

The last point here helps put a bow around all the other elements we’ve discussed. The most important part of this equation is to make sure your mind is relaxed before getting into bed. 

Your schedule for winding down before sleep should include calming activities to help you de-stress and lower your mental activity levels. This could be as simple as taking a warm shower, meditating for 10 minutes, journaling, or reading a good book in bed – whichever works best for you. 

On a personal level, I’ve also found aromatherapy to be quite effective, mainly when dealing with stress or anxiety. Anything calming and meditative that helps focus your thoughts can definitely give you the edge for an uninterrupted night of deep sleep.

Even something as common as staying away from caffeine before bed can prove to be beneficial but don’t take my word for it – if you feel like this is something that works better for you during late hours, then by all means, carry on!

Final Words

The ideal bedroom should be a safe haven of peace and relaxation. It’s the one place inside your house where you can let go of all worries and responsibilities and embrace just being.

You now possess the means to design that perfect bedroom for a good night’s sleep, so make the most of it and turn your bedroom into paradise – trust me when I say that it’ll be worth all the effort.

From waking up in the morning light to returning to those gardens of slumber throughout the night, you’ll be able to experience the wonders of quality sleep. No more headaches, no more fatigue – just plenty of rest!

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