Home Lifestyle What You Can Do To Keep Your Winter Energy Bills Low

What You Can Do To Keep Your Winter Energy Bills Low

by Dave Ortega

In just a few short months, the frigid temperatures of winter will start to surface. One of the main goals most homeowners have during this time of year is maintaining comfortable indoor temperatures. If you are running your heating unit more, then your energy bills might start to rise if you don’t take preventative action.

The last thing you want is for your monthly energy bills to get out of control during this time of year. If you want to avoid paying astronomical energy bills this winter, now is the time to take action. Here are some things you can do to keep your winter energy bills low.

Realize the Importance of Heating Unit Maintenance

Heating Unit Maintenance

The heating side of your HVAC unit will go unused for months at a time. During this time, a number of components can deteriorate. Instead of trying to heat your home with an inefficient and damaged unit, you need to reach out to professionals for help. Investing in professional maintenance is crucial when trying to stay one step ahead of furnace repair issues.

HVAC units that receive routine maintenance are not only more reliable, they also use far less energy. By investing in professional heating unit maintenance, you can significantly lower the cost of your energy bills in the future. Before choosing a company to perform this maintenance, you need to find out more about their past experience.

If at all possible, you should find an HVAC company that has brand-specific experience. Choosing a company with this type of experience will help to ensure your unit gets the care it needs to stay reliable and efficient for years to come.

Address Air Leaks In Your Home

Homeowners in the United States spend millions of dollars on energy waste every year. Once you get your heating unit in good working order, you need to do all you can to reduce the strain put on your HVAC system. One of the main things you need to do to help your HVAC system is to find air leaks in your residence. Allowing these leaks to persist will lead to most of the warm air produced by your HVAC unit escaping.

This can lead to your unit getting overworked, which is why finding and sealing up air leaks should be a priority. The first place you need to look when trying to find air leaks is around your windows and doors. When the seals in these areas are compromised, a lot of air can escape. In most cases, you can seal up the air leaks around your doors and windows with caulk.

Reaching out for some professional help might be needed if you don’t feel comfortable doing this work on your own. By hiring professionals, you will have no problem getting the air leaks in your home sealed up properly.

Circulate Heat With the Help of Ceiling Fans

Ceiling Fans

When the first frost of winter occurs, you need to change the settings on your ceiling fans. In the summer months, fans are supposed to run counterclockwise because this helps to push cool air down. The average ceiling fan has a switch that allows you to reverse the rotation of the blades. Using this switch during the winter months is a good idea.

As the blades of your fan turn clockwise, they will displace the hot air that collects around your ceiling. This air will be moved downward where it can help to warm the people in your home. If you don’t currently have ceiling fans in your home, it is time to make a change. With the help of a knowledgeable electrician, you can get new fans installed quickly and correctly.

Assess The Condition of Your Insulation

Keeping the warm air produced by your HVAC unit inside of your home should be a main priority. It is the job of your attic insulation to keep this air in place. However, if the insulation in your attic is old or damaged, it will allow a lot of air to escape. This can lead to your monthly energy bills getting quite expensive.

This is why you need to check the condition of your attic insulation before cold temperatures move into your area. If you notice that insulation in your attic is damaged or worn, you need to call in professionals to replace it.

The money spent on new insulation is worth it due to the long-term energy savings it will provide. Exploring all of your replacement insulation options is crucial if you want to make your home more efficient. Seeking out the guidance of an insulation professional is the best way to ensure the right option is chosen.

As you can see, there are a number of things you can do to lower your energy bill this winter. 

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