Home Lifestyle How to Keep Your Heating System in Great Working Condition

How to Keep Your Heating System in Great Working Condition

by Luke Conner

Your home heating system is integral in keeping your home warm, safe, and comfortable. As with any central home system, eventual replacement is inevitable. However, there are several things you can do to extend your heating system’s lifespan and ensure it’s running efficiently.

Here are some practical tips for keeping your heating system in excellent working condition.

Schedule Annual Maintenance

Many homeowners make the mistake of putting their heating system out of mind until a problem arises. While furnaces have a “set it and forget it” reputation, being proactive in maintenance will help minimize wear and tear over the years. 

According to an expert furnace service in Arlington, proactive maintenance is the best way to keep your heating and cooling systems running properly. Your furnace may be running and putting out heat, but that doesn’t mean it’s running efficiently. An inefficient heating system could be costing you hundreds extra in fuel and electricity.

Add an annual maintenance visit to your seasonal to-do list. During a maintenance visit (also known as a tune-up), a technician will come to your home and look over your heating system. They’ll typically conduct tests, make some adjustments, clear away debris, and lubricate moving parts. These seemingly small actions can extend the lifespan of your heating system, save you money in consumption, and prevent costly emergency repair visits.

Clean the Air Filters

While annual maintenance goes a long way, there are still steps you can take in between visits to maintain your heating system. Cleaning air filters is the best way to ensure your heating system is operating efficiently. Depending on the type of system and your environment, you should complete this simple task every 1-2 months. You can also vacuum dust and debris away from the vents.

Keep the Surrounding Area Tidy

Prevention is also key when keeping your heating system in good working condition. If your furnace is in a dusty basement, be sure to keep the surrounding area clean and dry. The more dust and grime surrounding your furnace, the more likely it is to get into your system.

Keeping your home clean and dusting regularly will also help prevent build-up in vents, filters, and ducts. 


Improve Your Airflow

The better the airflow in your home, the better your heating system will work. Start by ensuring your furniture is arranged, so it isn’t blocking any intake or output vents. 

If your home has limited space, brainstorm some strategies for moving and improving airflow around bulky furniture. For example, you can add blocks to the back of your sofa or bed to prevent them from sitting flush against the wall if a vent is underneath. Similarly, you can add stylish furniture feet to bulky pieces to create airflow underneath. 

Installing and using ceiling fans can also significantly impact airflow and heating efficiency in your home. Adding fans over stairwells and in key areas will help move air through the house while windows are closed during the winter months. Turn your fans counterclockwise when the heat is on to push warm air back to the ground and improve circulation. 

Adjust the Temperature

Adjusting the temperature by a few degrees will significantly impact your furnace efficiency and home heating bills. Set household rules about what the temperature should be, and ensure everyone is wearing socks and sweaters before they decide to turn up the heat. 

Adding a programmable thermostat will help improve temperature regulation and allow you to adjust the heat based on your household’s schedule. For example, you can set the thermostat to cool down by a few degrees while everyone is sleeping or at work and turn it up slightly when people are home.

The more your heating system has to combat the cold to produce heat, the more inefficiently it will operate. A few degrees can make a big difference in furnace performance. 

Add Insulation and Draft Protection

A startling amount of the average heating bill is comprised of heat loss through windows and drafts. Dealing with drafts and adding insulation can help maximize heating efficiency. Check for drafts around windows, doors, and electrical outlets, adding insulation and sealant as needed.

The attic is another critical area for heat loss. Check your attic insulation levels annually to determine if more is needed. You shouldn’t be able to see the joists if you pop your head into the attic. If the insulation is level with the joists or below, it’s time to add more. 

If your home is on a slab or has an unfinished basement, consider adding insulated area rugs to your floors during the colder winter months. 

Monitor Humidity Levels

The humidity level can impact how we perceive temperatures. Excess moisture in the air can make hot days feel hotter and cold days feel colder. Depending on the type of system, your home heating set-up may also be responsible for humidity control. Conversely, it could be separate.

Work with your home heating specialist to determine the best approach to monitoring and controlling the humidity with your heating system.

Doing so will ensure the system is set up correctly and will prevent you from turning up the heat when the issue is humidity.

The trick to keeping your home heating system in great working order is prioritizing maintenance. With this simple list, you’ll cut costs and extend your heating system’s lifespan. Book an appointment with your home heating specialist today to get started on the path to improved efficiency.

Final Words

Heating efficiency is essential to keeping your home comfortable and your energy bills low. By making a few changes and being mindful of how you use your heating system, you can save money and improve your furnace’s performance.

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