Home Hobby 6 Hobbies That Will Improve Your Vocabulary

6 Hobbies That Will Improve Your Vocabulary

by Olivia Bennet

There are an almost infinite number of words out there in any given language, with new ones being created all the time from slang to standardized. So, if you are looking at ways to build your personal word count, there are some hobbies you can try out to boost your efforts.

Improving your vocabulary requires you to actively participate in the process, and there is an accumulative effect at play as well. Read on below if you want to find out more about helpful hobbies.

Word Games

Word Games

You may not know that if you play word games, the words you know will organically increase. Whether it is because you come across ones you don’t know and can add them to your brain dictionary, or contextualizing words you do know but were not 100% confident with.

Word games are entertaining, and a direct route into acquiring new vocab! There are also several formats, so there will be something that suits every personality.

You could try an online game on a tablet or PC, an app on a smartphone, a traditional board game, or even one you write down with a pen and paper. While having fun, you will be exercising your mind as you try to find words with the greatest impact.



If you haven’t picked up a book in a while, it’s time to revisit reading. There will be little movement in your quest for more language if you don’t absorb the words through mediums such as books and so on.

Reading is very beneficial for anyone hoping to improve upon their word base because books are filled with them. It may sound obvious, but literature in all shapes and sizes is the best place to begin.

  • Try reading a selection of genres to get a range of writers’ perspectives and styles. You won’t find the same words in a horror novel that you will in a romance book, for instance.
  • Look up any words you are unfamiliar with, so as to not lose them.
  • Write them down in a personal vocabulary book that you can look back on as you move forward with your discoveries.

Don’t forget to record new words, so you don’t forget them. This is also a great way to build your own personal dictionary.



Writing poetry is extremely beneficial for anyone hoping to improve their language skills and acquire new words. It makes you think in new ways and inspires the brain to seek out new words to fill in the gaps in what you are trying to say.

You can keep it to yourself or share it with the world in forums and beyond. If poetry is never going to deliver what you need, any form of creative writing will push the boundaries of your mind and help you acquire additional language. If you don’t know where to get started, here are some tips.

  • Find a daily writing prompt to get the creative energy flowing.
  • Dedicate ten minutes and nothing more where you just sit down and let the pen move freely.
  • Try creating different types of poetry to see if anything fits with your preferences.
  • Don’t be afraid to write something simply to never read it again.

For a truly uplifting experience, there’s nothing like finding yourself positively impacted by a new word you have discovered. It is an exhilarating feeling that you can never really plan for, but when it happens you will understand why this is a great way to improve your vocabulary.

Take On a New Language

New Language

Arguably, one of the most direct routes to expanding vocabulary is through learning a different language entirely. Through doing this you will be in a constant process of re-examining and re-exploring your native tongue and all the words that you wish to translate and master.

Aside from this, you will also acquire innovative methods for absorbing words and making them stick. This will be extremely helpful while attempting to grow your word bank in the mother tongue.

Set Yourself a Challenge

Try turning it into a game that can become a hobby. Instead of sitting down and formulaically learning new words one at a time set yourself a daily challenge to add two additions to your book.

These additions can be combined to create a weekly quiz where you correlate the meanings with the word itself. If you don’t have time to learn that many, just stick with one!

The trick is in the constant style of learning rather than the number of words learned. If you’re having fun, then you will be successful in your quest.

Be Social

Be Social

What better way to learn new words than by speaking to people? Getting out and being social is harder for some people than it is for others. However, there is value in doing so not only for your mental well-being but for your language mastery as well.

It is said that you can never master a language until you’ve spoken it over a course of time with native speakers and surrounded yourself with it. Well, the same is true for your mother tongue as well, so don’t be afraid to get out and chat with others, even if it is a little uncomfortable at first. It will soon become second nature.


When it comes to hobbies that are going to build upon your vocab skills, there are plenty to pick from. Word games are an established model and thanks to technology, there are thousands to deliberate over.

Try picking up a new book, having a chat with someone, and being active in your approach. A little every day!

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