Home Beauty Nail Tips – All you need to know about Nail Care

Nail Tips – All you need to know about Nail Care

by Isabella Mosss

A few helpful nail care tips and tricks

We all want to know how to keep our nail tips from cracking and breaking all the time, so it’s important to study up on your nail care tips to learn exactly how.

The average person’s nails only grow an eighth of an inch per month, so you’ve got to take care of your nails if you actually want to see growth progress.  If you don’t think your nails are growing very well, then you might want to see a nail specialist for complete nail care tips.

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The specialist will be able to identify exactly what your nail problems are and help you figure out why it seems like they just don’t grow.  You may be surprised to find that you may unintentionally be keeping your nails from growing to a healthy length.

If you tend to enjoy getting artificial nails, then you do still have to take care of your real nails.  Artificial nails don’t really do anything other than make your real nails look better. If your real nails are unhealthy, then the artificial nails won’t do a very good job.

For example, suppose something has caused your real nails to start growing crooked. In that case, you certainly won’t be able to correct this with artificial nails.  They will continue to grow in the same way they’ve been growing for some time.

The most common causes of nail damage are biting, scratching, trauma, and a bad manicure, so many of the best nail care tips are simply common-sense advice. For example, if you’re a nail-biter, you will certainly not grow healthy nails.

If your nails sustained some sort of trauma, like being shut in a door, then you may want to see a specialist to help them get back on track.  You should also check the credentials of any manicurist before you let them work on your nails.  These are the very basic nail care tips that will help you with the most common problems.

Another major problem with nails is when they get too dry.  Your nails need just as much moisture, if not more, than the rest of your hands.  You should keep a small tube of hand cream with you so you can moisturize your nails and hands whenever they begin to feel dry.  Washing your hands can dry them out, so you will definitely want to moisturize after washing your hands every time.  For winter hands that dry and burn, you may even want to resort to a dip in paraffin wax.

Many different nail problems can reveal a lot of issues about your health that you may not even be aware of.  For example, did you know that 80 percent of people who have clubbed fingertips actually have lung problems?

Clubbed fingertips are characterized by a wider fingertip and nails that curve around the fingertips.  If your nails look anything other than normal in any way, it’s a good idea to see a nail specialist and find out what they say about your health.

nail tips

A Brief Look At Different Nail Problems

It’s true that as we get older, we must suffer more and different types of nail problems. This is usually a true statement as children, and younger adults don’t have nearly as many nail problems as older adults are able to confront.

The reason behind this isn’t essentially aging. While as we age, some body parts are prone to change to some degree. Our nails, for example, usually thicken as we age, sometimes becoming a real source of problems. The sad reason behind most of the nail problems we face is usually of our own doing, injury being an exception.

Nail problems can range from simple cosmetic to utter pain. One of the most common painful nail problems is an ingrown nail. This most often occurs on the large toenail, although any nail can have this condition.

Pressure on the nail or incorrect trimming can result in its curving inward and growing into the skin. Ingrown nails can be easily treated by a schedule of proper trimming. This involves mainly trimming the nail straight across. In some serious cases, professional help, like surgery, may be needed to deal with an ingrown nail properly.

fungal nail

Bacterial Infections – Bacterial nail infections are far less common and usually occur due to an injury. The nail usually is not permanently damaged or destroyed when a bacterial infection exists.

In some cases, the nail may become discolored. An injury can also result in a nail becoming spotted or streaked. White spots on the nails are the result of injuries but are mostly harmless and eventually will grow out as the nail grows.

Fungal Infections – Fungal infections are more common than ingrown nails. Fungal infections are more apt to occur on the toenails. The reason is that the toes, being encased in shoes a good part of the time, can become a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi.

Fungal infections can take a long time to develop and sometimes a relatively long time to treat and cure. In the toenail case, the fungal infection, usually occurring underneath the nail, will, over time, become thicker, often to the point where discomfort is felt. The big toe is often the first and sometimes only place a fungal infection occurs, but any nail is susceptible.

Fungal infections, usually the ones associated with the toenails, occasionally occur under the fingernails. When they do occur, the type of fungus involved is usually different.

Symptoms Of Other Diseases -Many nail disorders are not the result of any inherent problem with the nail itself but are instead symptoms of another disorder or disease.

A doctor can tell quite a lot about our general health by simply examining our nails, fingernails in particular. The next time you visit your doctor, let them look at your hands, they will examine your fingernails for any telltale symptoms.

Persons suffering from diabetes will regularly have nails that take on a yellowish or jaundiced look. A yellowed nail can be a symptom of lung disease. This is true, especially if the nail is thickening as it turns yellowish.

The bed of the nail can have a few tales to tell as well. If it’s red, a heart condition may be present. If it’s pale, the person may be suffering from anemia. Kidney disease can have a strange impact on a nail, turning it half pink and half white. If the nail is all white, there may be a liver disorder that requires attention.

Most nail problems can be avoided by simply following an array of good personal hygiene, properly trimming both toenails and fingernails, keeping the feet clean and dry at all times, and of course, wearing shoes that fit well.

Causes and Treatments for Yellow Toenails

Yellow toenails are a common condition that really isn’t given enough credit. People who suffer from “dreaded yellow toenails” understand how much this condition can hinder their freedom.

fungal toenail

Wearing sandals, flip-flops, or even walking around barefoot can be a virtual impossibility if you want to stave off social embarrassment. Thick, yellow, and crumbly toenails can also mean physical discomfort when wearing close-toed shoes.

While women have the option to hide the ugliness with a few coats of nail paint, it really can worsen the condition. To better understand yellow toenails, we are going to discuss the causes behind this condition as well as some treatment options that you may find helpful.

Yellow toenails can point to a serious condition, such as diabetes, but more often than not, the condition is caused by a fungus that has taken root in the bed of the toenail. The fungus can be found hiding in dark, moist places such as your socks and shoes, although you won’t be able to see it.

Excessive sweating or working in humid places can also cause this problem. When damage is done to your toenail, such as clipping the nail too short or stubbing your toe, which could result in a small crack or split in the nail, the fungus has the perfect opportunity to invade your nail bed.

It can also be spread from one person to another by sharing nail equipment and using public showers and swimming pools. Unfortunately, once the fungus gets in there, it can be extremely difficult to get out. In cases where the fungus has been allowed to grow unhindered for a long time, complete nail removal may be the only truly effective option.

The symptoms of nail infection (aka onychomycosis) are numerous, and none of them are pleasant. While yellowing is a common sign, the affected nail could also have white, green, or brown areas. The nail may thicken or simply appear very dull and unhealthy. It is not uncommon for the edge of the nail to become cracked or brittle, and in some cases, the top layers of the nail may become powdery.

This powdery portion can usually be filed away with an emery board to expose a smooth layer of the nail, but this smooth layer is still likely to be discolored, brittle, and dull. This is because the fungus has spread throughout the entire thickness of the nail.

There are still plenty of treatments that are worth trying out before resorting to nail removal. Be warned, though, that it can take several months of treatment before your nails start to show any real improvement, but it sure beats losing the nail, right?

The first treatment we are going to talk about is relatively cheap and has proven to be quite effective against most types of fungal nail infections. It’s called tea tree oil. This oil can be bought in its pure form for about $5 and will last for ages. For this treatment, you want to use a cotton swab to apply the tea tree oil to any affected nails.

Make sure you get down in the cracks on the sides of the nail. Apply this every day, twice a day if you can manage. Over the course of a few months, discoloration should subside, and eventually, the nail’s strength should return. Tea tree oil has some seriously impressive anti-fungal properties that make it capable of fighting off fungal growth.

Another at-home remedy that some people have found effective is a foot bath—with Listerine! Many people notice a pretty quick improvement in the nail’s color, and it can be quite effective in preventing the fungus from spreading to other toes, which does eventually happen without treatment.

Unfortunately, some people have reported that they felt the Listerine foot bath was merely hindering the growth of the fungus and not actually killing the fungus that was already there.

However, it is possible that with prolonged and frequent use of this method, that eventually, the conditions for the fungus will become so unsuitable that the fungus will eventually die off.

The last DIY treatment method we are going to talk about is a product called Ariella Nail Fungus Treatment. There are many over-the-counter paint-on treatments available, but this one seems to receive the best reviews.

Although this product is really not cheap, it does have a very good recommendations by users. People have reported significant nail improvement, even with severe infections.

Ariella Toenail Fungus Treatment - Nail Fungus Treatment Extra Strength for Toenail & Fingernail - Finger & Toe Nail Fungus Treatment - Toenail Fungus Treatment Extra Strength - Nail Repair Pen 4pcs
6,919 Reviews
Ariella Toenail Fungus Treatment - Nail Fungus Treatment Extra Strength for Toenail & Fingernail - Finger & Toe Nail Fungus Treatment - Toenail Fungus Treatment Extra Strength - Nail Repair Pen 4pcs
  • MAXIMUM-STRENGTH FORMULA for fingernails and toenails helps eliminate the annoying substances that grow in the cracks of nails and surrounding skin.
  • CLINICALLY PROVEN INGREDIENTS This potent nail fungus treatment formulation helps resolve thick, discolored and brittle nails quickly.
  • FAST AND EFFECTIVE with visible results in 2-4 weeks, Ariella Toenail Fungus Treatment is a viscous nail strengthener and repair formula. It is able to reach remote areas under the nail and in the nail bed for greater efficacy.
  • MESS-FREE APPLICATOR PENS ensure targeted applications of our nail fungus treatment for fingernails and toenails. Twist the end of the pen to dispense nail repair solution onto the brush applicator. Apply thoroughly to the affected area.
  • FOR BEST RESULTS it is recommended that you apply Ariella Toenail Fungus Treatment 2-3 times per day. Hydrating and fortifying your nails several times daily will eliminate discoloration and make your nails stronger and healthier.

These treatments may genuinely show an improvement in your yellow toenails, but if you are in the early stages of an infection or if the infection has become so severe that the nail is physically coming away, then it’s probably best to speak to your doctor about treatment options.

Catching the infection in the early stages will save you a lot of grief, but if your infection has progressed, you may have to explore several treatment options before finding one that works for you.

Cracked Nails – How to avoid Cracked Nails

Cracked nails are very unpleasant aesthetically.  When we have cracked toenails, we don’t want to wear open-toed shoes or go to the pool.  Cracked nails are especially bothersome in warm weather when we are more likely to want to go to the pool or wear sandals.

So what can you do to avoid getting cracked toenails?

Drink More Liquids

One of the main causes of cracked and brittle nails is dryness.  Suppose you start getting cracked nails more often, especially during the summer. In that case, it is a good sign you are not properly hydrating.

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The correction for this is easy enough: drink more water.  Given our hectic lives, however, this is easier said than done.  The recommended eight full glasses of water sound easy in practice. Still, when you are actually trying to get through your day and get all of your errands done, it is easy to avoid getting enough water.

Here are a few tips.  First, have a personal water bottle to carry with you and keep it at your desk at work.  That way, even as you work, you can quickly get some water without having to make a special trip to the fountain.

Second, keep bottled water in your car.  That way, regardless of where you go, you can just pop the trunk and take a bottle with you.  Rather than buy the expensive new bottles, just refill them at the tap so you don’t feel it in your wallet.

Third, make a habit out of it.  Have specific times when you always drink a certain amount of water.  Drink two cups right when you wake up.  Drink a bottle right before you start work.  Drink a bottle during your morning break or right before lunch.  Having these designated spots where you drink makes it easier just to get it done without thinking about it too much.

One final note about hydration, water is the best.  Because of their caffeine content, Soda and coffee are not good delivery vehicles for moisture because they take away moisture even as they deliver it.

Increase Calcium Intake

Because the nails are an extension of our skeletal system, produced by the same processes that create and strengthen our bones, cracked nails may be a sign of calcium deficiency.  As we grow older, there is a greater need to supplement our calcium intake.  Drinking milk is the easiest way to increase the calcium in your system.  This will help keep both your nails and your bones strong.

You might also take Calcium supplements in order to increase your calcium intake. If you are, say, lactose intolerant.  Finally, you might consider other foods that are high in calcium, like oranges.

Other Vitamin Supplements

Science has shown that a handful of other vitamins also help with nail and bone health.  These are Vitamins A, C, and D.  Vitamin C is perhaps one of the best for your overall health because it also has great antioxidant effects.  Antioxidants help strengthen your overall health and keep harmful chemicals and bodily waste products from weakening your overall health.

Go Easy on the Nails

If you are getting cracked nails, you also might consider how you treat your nails during the day.  If you do a lot of typing, it might be wise to keep your nails trimmed short, for example, so that you are not repeatedly pressuring your nails.

If you use an emery board on your fingers, it is perhaps best to do so gently.  In fact, the less that you do to your fingernails, the better.  Avoid extensions or nail polish that you know will require a great deal of scouring to remove.

Show your Nails Some TLC

Nothing beats just taking proper care of your nails.  Cracked nails are also often the result of our own benign neglect.  So make sure that you clean the dirt out from underneath your nails and take the time to give them a proper trim.  Get rid of bad habits such as nail biting.  Stop thinking of your nails as handy tools for scraping stickers off surfaces or picking calcified food off plates.

Treat your nails with respect, and they will give you years of service.  If, however, you expect too much from your nails, they might just crack under pressure.

nail tips

Facts About Acrylic Nail Tips

Acrylic nail tips are a recently used invention in the world of nail care. These fake nail tips look and feel exactly like real nails and can be treated like real nails. They are glued to the top of real nails to give a natural and interesting look. For people looking for just the right fashion look for their hands or for people who have difficulty growing their own nails, acrylic nail tips are a great option.

Acrylic nail tips are created by mixing a special powder of acrylic with a specific liquid. The resulting hard surface can be molded and cut to look like real nails. This substance also doesn’t damage the real nails underneath.

Acrylic nails have many qualities that make them useful. They are inexpensive and easy to care for. In fact, they require the same care after being applied as do real nails. They are extremely fashionable and can be painted or designed however you want. You can design and easily change both the length and color scheme of artificial nails anytime you wish. They can be painted with any type of nail polish or airbrushed into designs.

Fake nails allow you to create a unique style of fashion specifically for yourself. Acrylic nails are also useful to people who may have difficulties growing their natural nails. Their nails simply do not grow long enough or may be too brittle to be used fashionably for some people.

There are a few drawbacks to using fake nails. It is usually a good idea to have acrylic nail tips fitted to ensure a proper seal. An improper application can lead to breaks or tears, and any damage to these tips may end up causing finger or skin problems.

nail tips

They may also obstruct natural nail growth, which can create problems. When getting acrylic nails fitted, you will want to have a mixture made with alcohol that will not harm your skin. The best type of alcohol is made with ethyl methacrylate, as it is not harmful to the skin at all. This may end up costing a little more, but the more cost-efficient alcohol contains methyl methacrylate. This type of alcohol has a history of causing skin reactions and nail deformities.

Some people may also experience allergic reactions to fake nails regardless of the type of alcohol used. Acrylic nails should be cared for like real nails. Avoid damaging or biting these fake nails, as it may create space between the nail and the finger.

This small space can harbor fungus growth, resulting in a nasty fungal infection. The fungus can grow anywhere there is space and warmth, including both real and fake nails that are not properly cared for.

Removing acrylic nails is easy. To remove the fake nails, start by using clippers to cut them as short as possible. Then coat your skin around the nail with petroleum jelly to help prevent them from drying out.

Avoid getting it on the nails. Soak the nails in an acetone nail polish remover for twenty minutes. Then you can peel off the hard nail surface. Don’t force a nail to come off.

If you cannot peel them off easily, it means you have to soak them for another five minutes or so. Once the nails are off, be sure to wash your hands. Buffer off any glue left over with a nail buffer.

Acrylic nail tips are useful for people who cannot grow their nails to long lengths or those who simply don’t want to wait that long. They are easy to apply, remove and care for. The best part about acrylics is that you can create a totally unique style by shaping and painting them however you want.

Last update on 2024-04-05 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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