Home Beauty Can You “Un-Do” Facial Fillers?

Can You “Un-Do” Facial Fillers?

by Olivia Bennet

Facial fillers are the second most popular cosmetic treatment, coming in right after Botox. They’re easy and quick to use with little downtime involved for many people who don’t want surgery or were told they couldn’t have it due to preexisting conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, or kidney disease.

Non-surgical facial treatments like these aren’t only perfect for busy professionals but also great alternatives if you’ve been looking into surgical procedures that might be too expensive on your budget at this time.

When patients need their filler to be reversed, one option is hyaluronidase injections. This treatment speeds up the natural breakdown of these types of fillers. It first requires consultation, and then doctors determine if reversal is an appropriate course for that patient’s needs.

Many times waiting time resolves most cosmetic issues- but in some cases, normal swelling doesn’t go down on its own after about six months or more which may require this type of injection as well.

Patients who regret their decision to get a filler injection may be eager for the opportunity to reverse it. A common reason patients want reversals is that they are not happy with how much they received or because of an aesthetic issue like distortion after receiving too many injections in one area.

Other reasons include asymmetry, lumps, and bumps from granulomas that form near the site where we injected—sometimes these can develop into nodules which aren’t desirable either!

Patients also might experience prolonged tissue swelling or allergic reaction if fillers were incorrectly placed outside of deep layers within muscles (such as when injecting somebody’s neck). This could lead them back into our office feeling disappointed about something even more than before!

What are facial fillers made of?

Many people have the misconception that these facial fillers are made out of silicone. But this idea is just a myth, as they were actually developed from natural materials such as hyaluronic acid (HA). HA is one of those naturally occurring substances found in our skin cells and other tissues which give us that youthful bounce to each step we take.

Other fillers, such as collagen injections, are made of other materials that cannot be reversed. Methods other than hyaluronidase are required to manage undesired results with these non-HA fillers.

What is hyaluronidase?

Hyaluronidase is a natural enzyme that can be found in our own tissue, and it modifies hyaluronic acid. There are many medicinal purposes for this product. Still, one of the newest uses would be to remove hyaluronic acid fillers by injecting them with hyaluronidase right into your skin cells.

This process has been deemed safe and continues to serve as an effective way to help speed up other drugs like anesthesia when used during ophthalmic surgery or eye surgeries where you mix more local anesthesia with the enzymes before using it on patients’ eyesight.

How is the hyaluronidase treatment performed?

A quick injection of hyaluronidase revitalizes the skin and reverses any unwanted effects. Most patients don’t need to numb before treatment, which means that once they are done with their workday or in school for the week, all it takes is a matter of minutes to get back into tip-top shape.

After being injected with a potent enzyme, you can see quick and immediate results. Repeat injections may be necessary to help dissolve all the filler as needed.

Injecting hyaluronidase is not known to permanently destroy any appreciable naturally occurring HA in your own tissue; instead, it just helps break down what was previously applied for an optimal result. You might have noticed by now that injecting these enzymes at any time after treatment will work wonders on those stubborn areas of fillers-even months later.

Hyaluronidase injection is not an exact science. Some or all of the HA filler may be removed with a single hyaluronidase treatment. Those who want to remove “a little” excess might have all dissolved by even just one syringe worth. Patients who had thick injections (ex Voluma), they’ll need repeated treatments in order to completely dissolve their fillers away

What is the cost of filler removal with hyaluronidase?

The price of hyaluronidase will vary based on many factors, such as the specific brand of the enzyme, number of treatments. Generally, it is usually less expensive than facial fillers per injection.

You don’t have to live with your injectable filler if you’re not happy! Lips that are too big or eyes that are puffy can all be treated by a quick and easy-to-use HA treatment called Hyalaurenidase

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