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Circuit Training For Core Strength

by Dave Ortega

Abs workout means constant struggle. Most people start with upper body strength and forget about the lower body. Others focus on toning and never realize that the core works as a relay center between the upper body as well as the lower body. The core is the part that generates the most energy and it is used the most as well, however, it is also the most neglected part.

Most people have a thick fat layer on the core, others have bad posture that affects their core and some even develop abnormalities because of prolonged bad sitting posture. Most men focus on carved abs muscles while women focus on the flat tummy. The goal is to work on the core muscles and make them stronger so you can rely on their strength. Traveling by yourself just to reduce the fat content or getting rid of belly fat is not a good option.

With the help of this article, we will explain the use of circuit training. We will especially focus on various exercises that you can add to your circuit training if you want to work on your abs muscles. With the help of these exercises, you can easily make your workout or add some variations over time.

Circuit Training For Core Strength

What Is Circuit Training And How To Use It?

Circuit training is a simple workout pattern where you choose five to six simple workouts, mostly cardio. With the help of these workouts, you will make a circle and choose to perform each workout for a specific amount of time. After completing each exercise you need to move to the next until you complete the whole circuit. Then comes the small resting time and this will get you ready for the next circuit.

Most people add multiple circuits within the same session, whereas there are a few that use small resting time after each exercise. You can choose to have just one circuit per session or you can add gradually as you see improvement in your body. No matter what you choose, you need to make sure all the exercises within your circuit training are aligned and help you focus on your goal.

Circuit Training For Core Strength

What Are Some Of The Abs Exercises That You Can Add To Abs Circuit Training?

There are so many different abs workouts that you can add to your circuit training. However while choosing the workouts, you need to choose simple but intense workouts, most of the workouts that we will list are simple yet there are so many different variations that you can try. The best way is to follow the same pattern with different variations for better results.


This is a simple workout that will help you stretch and relax your core. You need to start by laying down and then tuck your hands under the nape of your neck and then try to take your chin closer to your knee. Make sure your back is straight and your core is tight.

Circuit Training For Core Strength

Mountain Climbers’

You will be mimicking the climbing posture. Just get down on the flow and get on all fours. Now hold your weight on your limbs and move one leg at a time. You need to bend your knee and move it closer to your core and then do the same with the other leg.

Russian Twist

Russian twist requires you to lay down and then fold your knee. Now move your upper body in a sitting posture while you keep your lower body above the air. Now, gently grab a football and touch the floor with the ball on either side. Start with the right, then left, and then back right.


This is a simple workout where you will get into the push-up position while you hold your body weight on all fours. Your goal is to hold this posture and keep your back straight while your core is tight.

Circuit Training For Core Strength


The bridge has so many variations, you can either try one Leg Bridge or quad bride. For the quad bridge, you will be holding your core in the air as you tighten your quads together. The goal is to keep it tight and hold the posture for as long as you can.

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Take Away

To sum it all up, circuit training is a simple, effective, and repetitive training that you can easily master. Since you do not require too much technical knowledge it is more about the execution and pattern than the exercises that you can add in. for the circuit training make sure you are tracking the progress.

Most people list their progress in the form of weight loss or measurement, however, for the core workout, your progress tracking will be very different.

You need to measure the strength and the fat content in your body. As you will feel the tightening of your core, you will be able to see improvement in body balance, better reflexes, and better strength. Rather than feeling tired easily, you will be able to stay energetic for a longer time.

Circuit training offers an opportunity to tailor your won workout because you will be following the same pattern and timing but changing the exercises that you can use.

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